Mounting on the body
A frontend module can be attached to the body in the final assembly with a few simple steps. The frontend module is positioned on the front of the vehicle and then bolted by the handling device. This creates undefined tolerances between the two components, which can be compensated quickly and ideally with the help of WITOLs. By using the WITOL tolerance compensation systems, the front end is fixed to the body with an optimal gap. The installation, adjustment and readjustment of the front end is solved easily and precisely by using WITOLs.
Precise readjustment through individual adjustment elements
In some cases, it is necessary to adjust the position of the frontend after screwing it. Various adjustment elements can be used to individually readjust the alignment of the components. The components are connected flush, free of tension and deformation. This results in an ideal alignment of all components with a perfect joint pattern.

Precise pre-assembly of components
Customers are increasingly demanding that components and add-on parts be preassembled on the front end before final assembly. In addition to headlights and the crash unit, these can also include components for thermal management, such as cooler packs. In the future, the sensors and scanners for autonomous driving will also be preassembled at the front end.
Here, too, the use of WITOLs ensures fast, precise and stress-free assembly of add-on parts on the front module.

These WITOLs are used for the frontend
Choose a freely available WITOL from our existing product range that perfectly fits your requirements. By selecting an existing fastening solution, development costs are eliminated, making even the implementation of exclusive quantities economical.
WITOL Modular
With WITOL Modular, you can easily put together your own fastening solution using our modular principle. In our configurator, you put together the parameters according to your requirements so that you can realize the ideal solution for your project.
WITOL Adjust
With WITOL Adjust you have maximum flexibility in the assembly of individual components. The preset WITOL Adjust is pre-assembled on your component or the car body using individual connection concepts. You can then align your component at the installation location and screw it in place as usual.